✝Technically it can be any Lawful, but there are certain monk robes we are interested in. Übersicht . If you find something missing - blame the damned fey. I'm looking at the Dex Scion. Vivisectionist is taken for the extra 2d6 sneak attack and mutagen. Not insane, but pretty ok so long as you don’t compete with saint in damage olympics. By Nathan Garvin and Scott Peers. Thank you for this guide! We technically could start with water(cold) for ele blast and tankiness early but we'd run into problems with late fire. 2. Yeah, Im kinda confused about the dex scion bloodline wording there. Just like every pet user ever loves himself at least an alchemist to buff AC of his doggo. So which one should be picked? Your build with Amiri is cool! Mostly used as an object with a lot of AC on the battlefield. Inquisitor✝✝ - Improved Critical > Fauchard, Inquisitor - Combat Reflexes // Seize the Moment, Inquisitor - Tandem Trip // Favored Enemy: Fey, Shield, Cure Wounds, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Restoration, +Stat Spells, Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Cure Wounds, Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Delay Poison (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal), AC from Cha through monk, Monk feats. Psychokineticists lack an overwhelming soul's strong spirit, and so this energy ravages their minds but unleashes power locked in their ruptured emotions. I’m stuck on one thing regarding the Dex Scion build: how to get the Draconic bloodline. Hi, I like your guide style very much. Mithral Plate, +AC gear, +Stat gear, Opportunist’s Boots. 1 Description 2 Gameplay 3 Requirements 4 Table: Eldritch Knight 5 … pathfinder kingmaker kukri build Published by on 14th February 2021 on 14th February 2021 Now we go through a phase where we mainly poke things with a fiery sword and almost don't use trip. Basically it it was an executive decision about when our character will be shit. Kineticist - Weapon Finesse // Kinetic Blade // Earth, Kineticist - Outflank // Earth > Greater Trip, Kineticist - Crane Wing // Elemental Whispers > Lizard✝, Kineticist - Wings // Fire > Dazzling Display, Kineticist - Crane Riposte // Enduring Earth, Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Dreadful Carnage, Kineticist - Shatter Defenses // Expanded Defense > Shroud of Water, Kineticist - Toughness✝✝ // Water > Blind Fight, Kineticist - Metakinesis: Empowered // Unraveling Infusion. Pretty ok by the virtue of being kineticist(so long as you don’t compare her to actual kineticists). Doesn't matter, really.✝✝✝✝Optional. That pretty much covers it. We are greedy(what a surprise) and picked earth 1st to save up 1 wild talent. Don’t think you can squeeze much more out of the class. ✝Medium size, so won't be so annoying to deal with. I have played as dex monk ane Aldori Duellist both were very good. In tough fights don’t hesitate and chug Enlarge Person potion or toss a spell on him. ✝You can dump Wis to 5 and get 16 con or cha, but it’s not absolutely needed. Likes having alchemist in the team for shield infusion, but wands/bracers will do as well. Also has an option to be a dragon Late-game should you reach level 20. A variation of trip vivisectionist. About Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Improved Crit is skipped in favor of Shatter. Improved initiative is an option. This build, however, gets Diehard at level 1 and goes down the Deathless feat chain in … Lead blades wands are nice too. ✝For tempo 1AC. October 15, 2018 0. Like with the original Baldur's Gate, the game is over if the main character dies in Kingmaker, so survivability should be your focus. Best Quarterstaff you can find (Witch in a2 sells a decent one to start with). Aldori Swords are pretty mediocre and it would be totally insane if we could get our hands on a longsword instead, but we compensate with huge str bonuses and some sneak dice. With trips and all that should be around 400DPR. Has some DR so won’t drop dead unless focused. Removed the "also would" part (it was like this in the original post as well). Map style. Out of all our elements water was the easiest to shift to 15. Thug is there to Frighten enemies, add more sneak dice, evasion and uncanny dodge in one neat package. They are either your get-out-of-jail-free cards, or additional damage per round. AC from Bloodline, Free wings @lvl16, AC from Spells, AB through Arcane Weapon. Written by Yandros / Oct 3, 2018 I see that some players are struggling to build efficient spellcasting classes. Due to AC stacking, fares quite well on Unfair, as far as things fare well on Unfair to begin with. Spielversion: inkl. I tried pretty hard to make it work on plate armor pally, but monk AC is just too much to compete with. ✝If you really want you can take 2 from STR and add +1 to CHA (probably at 8), +1 to CON (at 20), but +1 to Persuasion is not worth it. Has sensei so you can drop a bard if you want to. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Valerie Builds (Tank, Dragon, Kinetic, Bard) Ybot. Or you can toss some defensive spells if you need those. 2 points left to bring the weapon to +5. Early game, use staff or flaming nunchucks. Power attack is taken as a prerequisite for 2 feats we want and it is unlikely you(or anyone) will ever use it. Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Persuasion (Max), Trickery, Athletics 1, Stealth 1, Some UMD, whatever else you fancy. 10Base+2Perfection+3Arcane Protector+5Deflection+1Dodge+8Bracers+8Dex+9Cha+5Barkskin+6Frightful+6Legendary+4Smilodon+2Foresight-1Size=68A C. +4Crane=72AC. Would love someone casting Legendary proportions on him. Turn off fighting defensively while in beast form. It’s cheesy and it works. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. the linzi builds here dont go for dirge of doom and im using valerie as a normal tank, not a bard. Low Cha can be easily explained by big teeth and some feral habits that scare everyone around… Still, not what most DM’s would allow. It'll be fine. Will step on Reggies toes, so there's that. 7/19/14/14/7/18 stats for those. However, you can customize them in-depth - but this doesn't extend to their personality. Why not hospitaler? But. Considering you go unarmored you will need someone to cast mage armor on you or the 1st portion of the game. Let me introduce you to Deadly Earth. I get the info "your INT score is less than 11 so you cannot cast spells of this level". It uses Charisma for spellcasting, not Intelligence like a standard Magus. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Builds Guide All builds linked on this page have been generously provided with permission by InEffect. Most of his gear is found and not from artisans, which is a bonus. Don’t be shy to use dazzling manually for control. Mithral heavy>Singing Steel, Arcane Protector>Oppressor, Most AC shield > Walls of the Sanctuary, Cha hat > Paragon of Defenders(+Oppressor), +Stats(endgame Star soldier+Devil’s sash), Charon’s touch, ring of evasion, +6Cloak, Honor of death, Gyronna, Manticore boots, Lesser quicken rod, pet, lantern. Kineticists' talents and infusions use a resource called Burn, which is detailed near some tables underneath this build. Spells: Remove fear, Cure Light wounds, Vanish, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Sense Vitals. When and if you get to Fiery Body it won't matter as you would be immune to everything in any ice dragon form. Has quite a lot of attacks. I chose early levels. Imp. 37 AC by level 5 is not so bad, eh? I n this Pathfinder Kingmaker Guide we are going to take a look at Octavia.She is a Wizard that we are going to turn into an Arcane Trickster, which is a very powerful Prestige Class.Octavia’s Arcane Trickster is a multiclass build that can seem complicated on first look, but is easy to use and naturally progress due to dealing … Am I missing something? You will either end up having mediocre AC and average damage(Str staff monk) or top notch AC and ok-ish damage. Can hit bosses due to Smite. I'm a real greenhorn, when it comes to D&D/Pathfinder Games. Monk Robes, Bracers of Armor, AC gear, +Stat gear. There is just no real way to stack both AC and Damage on monk. ✝Put at 1 in persuasion at character creation, finish arcana and mobility, then persuasion again. Game plan is as such. Pretty much deadly earth but with lower duration and no bowling. ✝Optional can take Crane wing here while it's still bugged. No fun allowed. What ac are we looking at for the dex scion? The rest broadly falls into Barbarian hunter who assumed responsibility and some such. Has to rely on another alchemist or wands for shield before 14-15. Alternatively, you can go for Fauchards. Mastering the Elements: N. Jolly’s guide to the Pathfinder Kineticist “Life is a funny thing, funnier than most people give it credit for if you’re asking me. So how will I be able to use the spells listed in the build? Cause we needed to multiclass and had no spare feats for extra channel anyways. Aspect of the wolf allows for free trips. ✝or Dreadful Carnage✝✝Can be swapped to Thug for more Crowd Control should you feel you need it. Quite a bit of AC. Sneak attacks works on ray spells no problem. Nothing spectacular yet. This Also means that while We pump dex all the way we actually value items with con more so for most of the game. She gets dirge soon enough. Pretty solid. Wis draining stuff will be spooky, though. Game Version: 2.0.6 Distribution(s): STEAM, GOG Compatibility: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10+ Contributor: 0x90 Virus Scan: This cheat has been scanned and is virus and adware free. dazzling display is so incredibly slow. Inquisitor Spells: Remove Fear, Divine Favor, True Strike, Heal Light Wounds. thanks for replying. Shield, Shocking Grasp, Enlarge Person, Corrosive Touch, Vanish, True Strike, Frigid Touch, Mirror Image, Cat's Grace, Glitterdust, Effortless Armor, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin, Shield of Dawn. In your first build you suggest that Valerie takes Armor Focus: Heavy, and marks as important gear mithral armor. Pathfinder: Kingmaker-Builds – So erstellt ihr starke Charaktere. At least till you get to water shield. Main Ki Powers are extra attack and true strike. You will lose a tiny bit of AB, but will safely chop away with reach. AB from Cha through Arcane Accuracy, Damage with Arcane Weapon additional properties. Hi, I would like to go build like duelist but not dex rapiers. Wolf is not amazing, but it’s better than sitting around. Wait, how is monk a thing in the tanky build? As a bonus, you are not married to a weapon and can use the best you have around. Please, could you fix the Kineticist build? It won’t have enough AB to use it.For you - either check AC of your enemies to decide or turn it off forever as well. Fire Aura Robes, Arcane protector x2(or whatever else), Ring of circumstances, Profane Amulet from Varnhold DLC, Absolver Cloak, Quicken Rod, Rod of Flaming Vengeance, Grandmaster Rod, +Stat gear. That’s about it. It says 5 sorc 14 DD but on the level up guide its 15 sorc 4 DD im confused. Cannot follow the reasoning behind this. Also note that many colored items are also links to the Paizo SRD. Will give you bane blade, so that's good. It's just due to how itemization works. So we just sit there with 'gather power low' on and poke enemies to the face. Quicken spells serve dual purpose. What I do not understand is how can he cast spells? ✝If you don’t have Varnhold DLC swap to longsword and pray you’ll get redeemer from the artisans. This is what a real tank can be in this game. Build information for "The Tank" in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Pathfinder Kingmaker Builds – Valerie. Overkill, but we needed the crane feats for the earlygame anyhow. You will want someone to cast heroism(greater one later on) and haste on you to fix your AB. Persuasion (Max), Perception (Max), Mobility 3. If taking human: 7/18/13/10/7/19. Early-game anti-suffer advice:Take Tartuccio’s Crossbow and make him use cantrips in the prologue. The Draconic bloodline with fire as resistance and bonus are meant. You have 30 spare points so choose whatever you want, +AC robes, deflection ring, Bracers, +Stat items, Entangle, Longstrider, Faerie Fire, Acid Maw, Featherstep, Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, Frigid Touch, Restoration (Lesser), Magic Fang (Greater), Spike Growth, Delay Poison (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal), Featherstep (Mass), Cape of Wasps, Thorn Body, Protection from Energy (Communal), Freedom of Movement, Aspect of the Wolf, Geniekind, Blessing of the Salamander, Animal Growth, Stoneskin (Communal), Dispel Magic (Greater), Tar Pool, Legendary Proportions, Heal, Creeping Doom. 19/14/14/10/11/7 and no Persuasion for those. Not all of these characters will be willing to serve you right away â some of them will need to be convinced. Melee AC calculation assuming +6 mid-to-late gear:10(base)+7(cha)+5(dex)+2(Monk levels)+4(Barkskin/ammy)+4(ring)+3(wings)+4(Fighting defensively)+4(Shield Spell)+5(monk robes)+5(Bracers+5)=54AC - decent for a 2-hander. I see that the dragon sorceror has kinda the same stuff and that can come to 70. Especially low one is a godsend (it’s not like we plan to move much anyways). Now bad news are it takes time to get to dragon forms. Whatever you like. Max I can do 7/18/14/14/7/14. That's Ok, thanks for the reply at least. Every bit of AB counts there. Doesn't dazzle for himself, although does have enough for single-target intimidation should you need it and dreadful carnage once you get the ball rolling. Question about the first build, wouldnt a single level of vivisectionist be worth the loss of another magus level? It's for shorthand purposes. Level 18 We get Cloud. Trickery if you want to abuse not sharing exp for skill checks. Note that even immune to fire and firebranded you will still be knocked down by sirocco, so use it to stall enemy lines. So here it is, non-minmaxed build for a change. October 11, 2018 7. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Primarily an unfair build where you can’t afford to wait for good things and AC doesn’t matter as much - you either have tons of it or none. In our full Pathfinder: Kingmaker class guide below, we break down each main class, as well as the three alternate class archetypes that swap out key features for more customization. Simple Blast (Type/Damage): Air Blast (Physical/Bludgeoning) or Electric Blast (Energy/Electric), Wild Talent Bonus Feats: Deflect Arrows, Lighting Reflexes, Improved Lighting Reflexes, Dodge, Combat Mobility. February. There is no reason to go anything but human. Eagle Soul auto-confirms crits and divine bond will take care of keen for you. Solid front-liner. you get sneak attack and mutagen so better defense offense and damage output for a single level loss of spell progression. I prefer endgame swords to scimitars, but they are roughly equal. I did add a note about Dreadful Carnage (thanks for that). Tried the "Dex Scion" build for my main. Her ranking is still lower than Nok-Nok, but don't let that fool you: it's only because I rank characters compared to what they could be and not what they can do compared to each other. Dog is taken for teh trips and 15 base STR. This build is current to October 27, 2018. The rest hardly matters. Dude’s gotta die.). And late-game tower shields are good(also we can’t really ramp water shield any higher than +9AC in this build anyway). All builds on this page have been generously provided with permission by, Question about the sorc DD build. You need to make sure to select the "Eldritch Scion" archetype for Magus. Turn off spellstrike when you don't use touch spells(which is going to be pretty much always past midgame) to get 1.5 damage mod. Keep in mind a few may be a little outdated due to patches. It doesn't even appear in the list of unavailable talents. Find the Temple of the Elk Moon Radishes for Bokken. Vampiric touch is taken to be used with reach metamagic rod to give you something with damage at lvl3. She has a lot of stats and all of them can be put to a good use invariably. We really don’t give a damn about alchemist spells, but if you get your hands on an Herbalist’s Cape, a bit of True-striking might happen. Your pet has Outflank for your melee team-mates. Weapon Specializations are skipped due to feat shortage. You can miss most things in the game and still be in a decent enough shape. I'd be able to drag the thing through unfair, so I guess it's viable for that. von Jonathan Harsch am 25.08.2020, 14:15 Uhr ; News. You could do something like irori deliverer12/F2/Archae2/DD4 with shield bash or something along the lines or in case with vals atheism it'd be TM1/F1/Slayer12/Archae2/DD4 with whatever other slayer sub you feel like. Expertise and fighting defensively cut into your AB. noseČnost; merjenje nuhalne svetline in dvojni hormonski test; nifty test (nipt) tridimenzionalni in Štiridimenzionalni ultrazvok; test streptokok b There are some good longswords late, but it might be a bit of a suffer.✝✝Can just go for 2 more magus levels. Crits on 15-20 for around 150 damage. But I have to dip into lawful alignment. Some trainers may set off generic or heuristic notifications with certain antivirus or firewall software. AC Bracers, AC items, elemental damage to attacks/natural attacks: alkali gloves and winter wolfs cloak for example. Lore(nature) is okay as well. Dixon Sider. That means we Will fall a bit behind on DPS. In case of any god that favors unarmed they give improved unarmed instead. Very abusive build. Will deal about 50 damage per hit, 7 hits per round(assuming haste). Your standard nuker sorcerer with a good late-game plan. They are MAD and don’t offer any meaningful paybacks for it. Draconic / Fire compo is nothing I can chosse. That is the most damage you can squeeze out of AT. Red/gold/brass. Very simple and abusive build fit for unfair. With dragon form it won’t hinder you, as you can cast Transformation to ramp up your AB by that time. Now why I settled on this one is because real way you stack damage in this game is sneak attack and elemental dice(See: Elven Arcane Warrior or What about Dragons!?). General plan when you get there is as such: decide if you want to murder them in melee or with spells/breath weapon. You can also trip things manually. ✝You can drop it by 2 and get 9 cha for more balanced stats that you want because reasons. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Main Character Builds Guide. Not a lot of skill points, but only thing you really need on main character (MC) is persuasion. Dazzling user and that’s pretty much the only thing she ever wants to do apart from poking enemies with a pointy thing, but she does become really good at it. will cost you skill points. Bard song is appreciated, as usual. Also Trip Vivesectionist you start a sentence but don't finish it. Add amulet of mighty fists when you start shifting. Heighten all your CC spells. Was it originally a CHA caster and an update made it broken? Good Mercys to take: Fatigued, Exhausted, Blinded, Paralyzed. only turn on if you are swarmed and need to tank. Monk robes, AC gear, Stat Gear. How you did this? Scorching ray is only any good from lvl8 for you. Totally adores Legendary Proportions cast on him. Can reach 70AC with buffs. Take Weapon Focus at 5, Shatter at 9 and wings at 11. Grab agile pick under old sycamore and then agile rapier from stag lord henchmen. Mods. Same can be said about persuasion foci.